Wednesday, May 2, 2012

After a nine month vacation from blogging, I have decided it is time to resurrect the Mug Blog. I can't wait to share all the great things that are going on.

First off, I want to officially announce the creation of my new creative business, affectionately called The 1212 after the little house I live in. Also, with all the positive numerical significance to the number 12, how could I pass that up. This is what Wikipedia had to say:

"Twelve is the number of what is completed, which forms a whole, a perfect and harmonious unit."

I think that this is a great way to describe my thoughts of design and philosophy of life. I just happened to get lucky and get an address that was all about harmony. 

I first started this blog with the hopes that every morning, with my cup of coffee, share a little about the inspiring things I find in my daily life as well as some of my work. Now, this blog can be a supplement of all things 1212.

I am in the process of changing up my website and identity to fit. More to come as more work is being put up.

As some of you all might know, these past few months have been pretty tough and I've been slowly climbing out of a deep hole. I had moved back to Raleigh, NC for a design job only to be let go soon after being hired. After countless cover letters and no phone calls, I decided to take a job as a barista with Joe Van Gogh Coffees and slowly working up to building up my studio again. I also was in a pretty dark place while all this was happening. But with the loads of support from my amazing friends and family I can finally walk on my own two feet and seeing brighter days.

So here is to the first cup of coffee and the new Mug Blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jenn,

    I'm inspired to hear about your successes. Moving to Europe for my husband has definitely made it difficult for me to find a place, especially now that the "wow" factor has worn off. I can't wait to see what you're up to and hope your excitement is infectious.

    All the best

    Rachel A (now B)
